
DADA in Budapest – Seminarreise 2013 in Ungarn

Die Union ist in Aufruhr. Ungarn entfernt sich stetig von der „Wertegemeinschaft“ der EU, die sich wiederum ohne Handhabe gegenüber devianten Staaten wiederfindet. Aus diesem und anderen politischen, künstlerischen und kulturellen Interessen hat sich das BRIMBORIA Institut für mehrere Wochen nach Budapest aufgemacht, um die Lage zu analysieren und gleichzeitig – ganz im Sinne der Internationalen Brigaden für Ungarn – in das Geschehen einzugreifen.

Unter direkter Beteiligung der Institutsleitung, sowie mit Mitgliedern der Front Deutscher Äpfel und der Ungarischen Knoblauchfront, gründete sich die Aktionskunstgruppe DADA (Democrat Activists for a nice Democratic Attitude), um dem Treiben der Regierung, den Faschisten und den unfähigen Oppositionellen überaffimierend zu opponieren. Die Gleichgültigkeit der politischen Botschaften resultierte in der im Video unten dokumentierten Aktion.

DADA replaces national holiday demonstrations in Budapest

„Who is not with us, is a traitor of Hungary“

One hundred artists occupy the streets of Budapest and replace the demonstrations of Jobbik, Fidesz and Milla.

A video leìràsa elèrhetö a következö linken: http://hedonist-international.org/aru…
Die deutsche Beschreibung ist unter folgendem Link verfügbar: http://hedonist-international.org/aru…

Traditionally, the 15th of March is a day of political demonstrations in Budapest. Due to a massive onset of snow in Hungary it seemed until the morning that no outside events would take place at all. But „DADA“ did not want to break with that tradition. The Hungarian-German artist activist group „Democratic Activists for a nice Democratic Attitude“ on the spot replaced several demonstrations of the established political parties.

In recent years the dominant political parties – especially the national conservative ones – veered away from the remembrance of Hungary’s achieved freedom in 1848. Instead of the revolution they give prominence to the nation and to the daily political showing-off. As it was the case in 1848 DADA pointed to the critique of political domination. The means of choice was: Satire.

One hundred political artists replaced about 200.000 absent demonstrators of the political parties Jobbik, Milla and Fidesz. Equipped with slogans like „Who is not with us, is a traitor of Hungary“ and „There is no alternative – but us“ the sole demonstration of that special day started at the National Museum, the original starting point of the so-called Peace March. In the spirit of the Revolution of 1848 and making use of the last remains of the freedom of speech, the activists advanced closely to the center of power, the parliament. DADA also included the ending point of the canceled demonstration of the radical right-wing Jobbik party, the Deák Ferenc Ter.

There the political artists held several speeches in Hungarian, German and Gibberish – to the applause of passing pedestrians. The highlight of the performance-act were the final announcements at Kálvin ter, the place of the canceled gathering of Milla. At this place it should have become clear to all bystanders that the activist group not only connected all those routes, but also satirized the national conservative Hungarydom of the different political parties.

The first Hungarian action of the bilateral DADA cooperation definitely was the climax of the national holiday. Viktoria Nabro, co-founder of DADA, highlighted what finally must have been said: „Only the true Hungarians claimed the streets today.“